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Cuomo must be removed from office for covering-up sex crimes

Governor Andrew Cuomo must be held accountable for protecting countless sexual predators, convicted sex offenders, pedophiles and rapists

Almost all sexual assaults and rapes of women and children with disabilities within Gov. Cuomo’s mental health agencies are covered-up

The Jonathan Carey Foundation has done extensive research on sexual assaults and has found overwhelming evidence that Governor Andrew Cuomo is operating his agencies similar to the Catholic Church.
— Michael Carey - Civil Rights & Disability Rights Advocate
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, September 13, 2018 / -- The Jonathan Carey Foundation has done extensive research on sexual assaults and has found overwhelming evidence that Governor Andrew Cuomo is operating his agencies similar to the Catholic Church. Instead of immediate reporting of sex crimes to local police, almost all, numbering in the many thousands, have been and are internally investigated and never prosecuted. The sexual predators are running wild, sexually assaulting and raping our most vulnerable. Governor Cuomo has known about the rampant sex abuse and has done nothing significant to stop these crimes or the criminal cover-ups for many years.

As the founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation and a well known and respected civil rights and disability rights advocate I have asked the federal government to intervene swiftly. Many are aware that the FBI was asked to intervene and stop well known pedophile Larry Nassar.

Picture many of Larry Nassar’s posing as caregivers that are being paid to have direct access to some of our absolute most vulnerable in society that cannot speak or defend themselves. Picture in your mind hundreds of sexual predators intertwined within state and private group homes. On top of this severe level of gross negligence, fraud and corruption, picture convicted sex offenders being moved from state prison into group homes for the disabled in New York State. This is not fiction this has been and is happening right now in Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mental health agencies.

As we here of a Cardinal resigning and the need for top officials within the Catholic Church to resign because of the public outcry for justice, the same must happen in New York State government. It is like an animal house and the level of lawlessness in New York State is unheard of. Within the New York State Office of People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) system alone, statistically, there are tens of thousands of sexual assaults every year. There is no law requiring mandated reporters to immediately call 911 for these sex crimes that without question are emergencies so the police can respond to assist sex crime victims and arrest the sexual predators. There are no cameras to deter or easily catch and prosecute these sexual predators. Governor Cuomo has ignored countless calls by Michael Carey and even the New York Times to protect our most vulnerable.

Here are two powerful examples in the sea of sexual assaults and criminal cover-ups within Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mental health agencies;

“The case involving Mr. Sousie is especially illustrative.

Five years ago, Mr. Sousie, then 47, was working at the home in Hudson Falls, about 50 miles north of Albany. After a co-worker saw him alone and standing between the legs of the severely disabled woman, who was lying on her back, the police were alerted.”

“Mr. Sousie, in an interview, denied that he had been involved in a sexual assault.

“I was tucking in my shirt, and I got accused of raping a client, that’s what happened,“ he said. When it was pointed out that his lawyer had, as a defense, argued that Mr. Sousie had been masturbating — hence the presence of physical evidence — he conceded, “That’s the defense that we used, yes,” but declined to elaborate.”

This news story regarding a New York State caregiver and employee who is a pedophile will disgust you. Stephen DeProspero called Cuomo’s system “a predators dream”. DeProsero was caught by the feds in a porn sting or he would still be sexually assaulting disabled children in a State run group home today.

"The lack of supervision there made it easy to do what I did," DeProspero said in a handwritten affidavit obtained by The Associated Press. "I could have stayed in that house for years and abused him every day without anybody even noticing at all. It was a predator's dream."

It is Governor Andrew Cuomo that has directed the protection sexual predators like DeProspero and countless others. It is Governor Cuomo that is ignoring the safety and equal rights of people with disabilities and who is responsible for protecting hundreds of sexual predators. It is Governor Cuomo that is using his corrupt and fraudulent Justice Center abuse hotline to ensure that almost all reported sex crimes within his agencies are kept from local police and county prosecutors so they can disappear internally. If it’s not documented it did not happen is their motto.

As the New York State Attorney General Barbara Underwood is going after the Catholic Church right now for the same exact atrocities and crimes of covering -up sex assaults and the protection of pedophile priests within the Catholic Church, she too is ignoring the safety and equal rights of people with disabilities. Both Gov. Cuomo and Attorney General Underwood must be investigated swiftly by the US Department of Justice for their involvement in these civil and human rights atrocities and crimes. Governor Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Barbara Underwood must be investigated swiftly, removed and prosecuted for protecting of countless sexual predator caregivers and for purposefully and illegally placing sex offenders within state and private group homes for the developmentally disabled.

Many people have asked why would top New York State officials engage in this severe level of federal crimes and think they can get away with it? The answers are because of massive amounts of federal money, the main motive is the Medicaid fraud and secondly because of the pride and arrogance in which they think they can protect themselves. Sounds like the Catholic Church sex scandal that has cost the Church billions because it is very similar, possibly even worse.

As Pope Francis is being accused right now of knowing and possibly protecting dangerous individuals within the Catholic Church, there is significant evidence tying both Cuomo and Underwood to knowing of the cover-ups of countless sex crimes. Both Cuomo and Underwood are purposefully protecting sexual predators, convicted sex offenders, pedophiles and rapists.

If you would like to help fight this evil and epic corruption, please consider making a tax deductible gift to the Jonathan Carey Foundation. Thank you.

Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here

The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers

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